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Summer Hiatus


Yeah, yeah, I know. I don’t have a good record with this kind of thing. There is a very real possibility I’ll pick up writing this site again after a couple of weeks. But for various reasons, I think I should at least try to have a break from publishing Dirty Feed for the summer.

I won’t bore you with paragraphs of self-important crap. Short version: I have a new job which is taking up a lot of my mental energy, and I need to start relaxing a bit more on my days off. Or going on some long walks. Anything, really, than cracking my knuckles and sitting down to write about The Young Ones again.

Truth be told, I’m experiencing a certain ennui regarding the site, which is very rare for me. Time to take a break rather than ruin things for good. When I return, I’ll be doing some different kinds of posts along with my usual nonsense to keep things interesting. I have a few ideas about that, which I might work on a little during my time off.

My current thinking is that I’ll be back properly in October, give or take the odd stray update here and there if I can’t resist it. The newsletter is also on hiatus as well. And I probably won’t be around on social media much. (That last bit is a lot easier than it used to be, at least.)

Well, goodnight. And remember: don’t get murdered.