The Young Ones was written by Ben Elton, Rik Mayall, and Lise Mayer, with additional material by Alexei Sayle. One of those names is not like the others.
After all, Ben Elton shows up on-screen in a surprising number of episodes: five, to be exact.1 Alexei Sayle appears in every single episode, mostly as various offshoots of the Balowski Family. And if you don’t know who Rik Mayall played, then please stop reading this article. But what about Lise Mayer? Surely she shows up in at least one episode?
Certainly, the Comedy Connections episode on The Young Ones, broadcast on the 18th July 2006, seems to think so. Take a look at this linking sequence:
As Lise Mayer is mentioned, a young woman spins into view on their big chart: one of the women at the party in “Interesting”. We can probably guess where this piece of information came from; the IMDB listed her in this role in 2005, and indeed still listed her when the article you are reading now was published. For years, I thought that particular partygoer was Lise Mayer too.
Which is a bit odd, because IMDB also includes the correct information. For a start, the character in question is actually called Rhiannon – Rik mentions this during the famous tampon sequence. And the actress is Cindy Shelley, known to many as Abby in Howards’ Way, but most memorable to me for a wonderful performance as Alice in the third and final series of Tenko.
The Young Ones: Cindy Shelley as Rhiannon
Tenko: Cindy Shelley as Alice
Cindy shows up again in the very next episode, “Flood”, playing the double amputee2 interviewed by Ben Elton’s DJ. Another character who, for years, I thought was played by Lise Mayer too. Maybe I should have done something wild and radical, like “checked the end credits” or something.
OK, so fine. How about the chemist in “Sick”, who Mike asks for “£180 of Durex”? This has also been claimed to have been Lise Mayer on various forums and the like. But no. This is Ruth Burnett, who we mainly know for playing Cinderella in “Interesting”.
The Young Ones: Ruth Burnett as the Chemist
The Young Ones: Ruth Burnett as Cinderella
It’s a weird coincidence that both of her scenes were with Christopher Ryan.
Let’s move onto “Summer Holiday”. Surely Lise will have some kind of role in the final episode? The British Comedy Guide seem to think that she plays Dawn, who Rik unsuccessfully tries to charge for sexual relations. “You must be joking!”
But no, this is Joanne Pearce, who for our purposes is probably most famous for playing the kidnapped Princess Wendy in the film version of Whoops Apocalypse.3
The Young Ones: Joanne Pearce as Dawn
Whoops Apocalypse: Joanne Pearce as Princess Wendy
OK, so we’re getting desperate now. We have one final chance. How about the woman in the Hawk Lager ad? A sketch so funny that I just have to embed it here:
Her series of stupid faces is seriously one of my very favourite things in The Young Ones.
But is this Lise Mayer? Again, IMDB seems to think so, among other places online. But at this point it seems worth quoting the comments on this YouTube video of the sketch, which about sums the whole mess up:
Lise Mayer and one of the rare moments she actually appears on camera during the entire series.@HappyCynic
Except that isn’t Lise Mayer. That is Joanna Pearce.@robparkinson9850
@HappyCynic the credits always suggested it was lise mayer, but i was always dubious@robparkinson9850
@HappyCynic The credits suggest Joanne Pearce is Dawn, the girl who has been jogging and collected her exam results early because she “was such a girly swot”@HappyCynic
@robparkinson9850 Yeah, I did get that wrong. The trouble is the credits to the last episode contain everyone who was ever in The Young Ones, not just the episode.@HappyCynic
@robparkinson9850 Lise Mayer did appear in The Young ones. It was in the episode ‘Interesting’.
Finding out the identity of this actress for sure is tricky. Despite her extremely amusing performance, as she doesn’t speak, she’s not listed in the end credits of “Summer Holiday”. More bizarrely, she doesn’t even appear on the PasC form issued after production was completed, despite the fact that it lists people who didn’t even appear in the final show. To be sure of her name, I had to go all the way back to the camera script.
Which reveals that “Lager Ad Girl” is… not Lise Mayer. It’s Laura Allen, also known as Cindy from the brilliant “Oo-er, Sounds a Bit Rude” in Filthy, Rich & Catflap. “Well, I always like to keep abreast of what you’re up to, Ivor…”
The Young Ones: Laura Allen as Lager Ad Girl
Filthy, Rich & Catflap: Laura Allen as Cindy
The thing which amuses me about this: everyone really wants Lise Mayer to have had an on-screen role in The Young Ones. Because it would tie a nice little bow on proceedings. Everyone else who wrote the show had an appearance, why not Lise?
Which makes total sense. There’s just one problem: she didn’t. Sorry.
With thanks to Tanya Jones, Jason Hazeley, Gary Rodger, and Mike Scott.
Baz in “Demolition”, the DJ in “Flood”, Kendal Mintcake in “Bambi”, a Grange Hill student in “Sick”, and the man in the Hawk Lager ad in “Summer Holiday”. Five episodes… but at least six roles, because he also plays the cat in “Flood”. “My wife, she’s a terrible cook, though. Well she would be – she’s dead!”
Can anyone think of any other voice-only roles he had in the series? ↩
“But I could see the validity of the idea from the beginning.” Surely at least partially a parody of Bow Wow Wow singer Annabella Lwin? ↩
Because I am sensible and grown up, I decided to use a picture of her as a nurse, rather than one of her in bondage gear. Thank you/Apologies. ↩
Dan Webb on 22 March 2025 @ 12am
Isn’t she believed to be the person playing the mysterious fifth housemate, who always sat on the floor in the background in every episode with their face obscured by long hair?
John J. Hoare on 22 March 2025 @ 12am
That most definitely is NOT her. But I have an article in the works about that!
(I don’t really want to give her name yet, as I think I should probably get in contact and ask her first, as it isn’t public knowledge.)
Jeffers on 22 March 2025 @ 7am
Great piece, also glad to see it cements Laura Allen’s Hawk Lager / Cindy appearances as fact. A fun read as always!
Ian on 22 March 2025 @ 10am
I want to say Ben was in the bank in Summer Holiday.
I know Helen Lederer was.
I know Norman Lovett was.
I know the man who played the Gas Man in Bottom was…
But I can’t remember for definite if Ben was.
Pip Madeley on 22 March 2025 @ 11am
Great article as always, John! Worth mentioning Cindy Shelley did have another significant link to Rik & Ade, having played Kate, one of the women being subjected to Richie and Eddie’s love smells in the opening episode of Bottom.
David Brunt on 22 March 2025 @ 11am
At 21’10” in Interesting’, there’s a girl with pink hair (almost certainly a wig). That’s Lise isn’t it?
John J. Hoare on 22 March 2025 @ 6pm
I did know this, and entirely forgot when writing this article! Blame my obsession with Tenko.
John J. Hoare on 22 March 2025 @ 6pm
David: Hmmmm. I can’t actually rule it out. For the benefit of everyone else, here is who you’re talking about:
She does bear a resemblance. I will say that not only is she not mentioned on the PasC, but she’s also not mentioned in the camera script – and that script gives detailed lists of everyone required on both days of shooting, including all the walk ons. I will also say that after at least five suggestions of her being in the series, all of which turned out to be false, I’m automatically reticent.
But still… hmmmmmm!
John J. Hoare on 22 March 2025 @ 9pm
So, Paul Rhodes has pointed me towards this podcast interview with Lise Mayer:
She talks about her stage fright when it comes to performing. And then she says, regarding The Young Ones:
This perhaps doesn’t prove it isn’t her – in a big party scene, maybe they snuck her in? But it does feel increasingly unlikely to me. I’d actually quite like to compare the screengrab above with the list of extras in the camera script, but finding pictures of those extras is obviously tricky!
Peter Stanford on 23 March 2025 @ 9am
Has anyone checked the audience shots? (The jester coming through in Time, and “Rah rah rah! We’re going to smash the oiks!” in Bambi spring to mind) That was the traditional place to spot writers at the time.