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Resolution independence, or: an article in which I demand to affect the roadmap of OS X 10.7


Whatever your opinion on the iPhone 4, it’s hard to disagree that the Retina display is really rather excellent. Phrases like “It looks like print” are cliched, and entirely true. It’s the single biggest reason I’m not buying an iPad this year; no point buying one now, when I suspect one with a Retina-like display will be released next year.

The thing I find most fascinating about it is that it reminds me of when colour depth ceased to be a big deal to most people in terms of specifications. (At its extremes in the early days of home computing, to get the highest resolution on a BBC Micro, 640 x 256, you could only display two colours at once.) As soon as technology advanced enough so that 24-bit, 16.7 million colours in high resolution became standard, the general consumer stopped caring, as that’s the most granularity the eye can make out. Exactly the same is now happening with pixel density on mobile devices; we are approaching – or at, depending on your point of view – the point where it’s impossible for the eye to make out individual pixels, and there’s little point going much further. And whilst Apple may have got there first, this kind of display will surely become standard across all high-end phones over the next couple of years.


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Whenever people talk of the old BBC Radio 5 – the one with actual children’s shows on, rather than just sounding like it – the one thing that’s often missed out on is: “How was it sold to the kids?”

In answer, here’s a scan from excellent BBC kids magazine Fast Forward, August 29 – September 4 1990 – sadly, I have lost the aforementioned doorhanger promised on the cover:

Radio 5 Fast Forward article

I have quite a few old Fast Forward issues here; if anyone wants to see more of Andi “Ask Me Blooming Anything At All” Peters, or Phillip Hodson’s fucking harrowing column, just ask…

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Bad news everyone, etc

TV Comedy / TV Presentation

This afternoon, between 12:30pm – 6pm, Sky1/Sky1 HD are showing three of the four Futurama movies. (Missing out Bender’s Game, but for various reasons, if you were going to not show one of them, that’s probably the one I’d drop.) Now, you’d think that would be difficult to mess up, yes?

Don’t be stupid. This is television. They can mess up anything.


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#He’s fucked his endcap up, never mind…

TV Comedy / TV Presentation

Well, things have been quiet around here for a while, haven’t they? Whilst we prepare for upcoming “stuff”, take a look at something I posted on Twitter a while back, from 70s Bill Maynard vehicle Oh No, It’s Selwyn Froggitt. (Which, incidentally, has a dodgy pilot, is really good for the first series, and then sadly tails off a bit.) Yep, you’re waiting around for the Yorkshire endcap at the end, although feel free to enjoy the end theme, which proves that Blackadder II isn’t the only sitcom which had different lyrics for the end of each episode…


#We’re so happy to have you around…


Immigration. Barely a day goes past without it hitting the news. I would link you to examples, but I’m presuming – if you’re the usual kind of wet liberal that I suspect visits this site – that you might wish to take a break from all of that for five minutes.

Take a listen, then, to the following jingle, from PAMS Series 28 – made for the radio station WABC in 1964:

[mejsaudio src=”https://dirtyfeed.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Series28-Cut15.mp3″ volume=”false”]

PAMS Series 28, Cut #15


Raking Over Old Tweets From 2008 From Someone Who Doesn’t Even Exist Now

Internet / Life

Last year, a Ruby programmer called why the lucky stiff disappeared. Not being part of the Ruby community, the whole story still fascinated me; see the posts Eulogy to _why and The Impermanence, Karma, and Bad Behavior of Why The Lucky Stiff for two opposing views on the subject.

The other day, I decided to see whether there had been any sign of him. Short answer: no. Long answer: no, there hasn’t. But in my travels, I noticed this tweet from him, which a lot of people seem to like:

“when you don’t create things, you become defined by your tastes rather than ability. your tastes only narrow & exclude people. so create.”

It’s such a deliciously seductive idea. And yet it’s so fundamentally wrong.


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