The Doctor's Companion
As sure as eggs is chicken ovulations, the recent announcement of the identity of our Eleventh Doctor has brought about a whole new round of tedious guess work on who will be his first companion. Will they be female? Male? Young? Old? Alien? Modern? Historical? Me? Only tedious guess work and lists will give us the answer!
The most significant source of the current rumours comes from this Telegraph article, with actual, factual quotes from in-coming Executive Producer Piers Wenger. It has to be said, it’s not an entirely comfortable read:
The singer Lily Allen is an early favourite, while sources say Strictly Come Dancing stars Rachel Stevens and Kelly Brook are high on the BBC’s wish-list.
The usual bullshit names crop up like a recurring illness as expected, but Piers’ criteria wouldn’t necessarily rule these people out:
“Someone terribly exciting like Billie Piper, who was at the beginning of her acting career but who had a profile for other reasons, would be great. We are looking for someone whose light can burn brightly. We would never cast anyone on the basis of their celebrity, but if Lily wanted to audition we would be delighted. It would be a lot of fun.”
These comments do quite nicely deflect the issue of Allen as assistant, but I am uneasy about the wish to find someone in a similar light to Billie. She was a big risk, and one that initially paid off brilliantly, but can lightening really strike twice? And, more to the point, is that lightening likely to strike on Lilly Allen? Well, below we have the current list of actors and celebrities currently receiving odds from William Hill. It’s a bit of a mixed bag.
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Lily Allen - 6/4
When Billie Piper was cast as the first new series companion, she was best known to most as an ex teenage pop star and wife to Chris Evens, but she had very recently impressed a number of people with her performance in Canterbury Tales. She obviously had acting ability and RTD and co. were confident she would augment her obvious star attraction with a strong performance. Lily Allen, however, currently has nothing going for her other than a big name, a mediocre pop career and a reputation that doesn’t exactly befit a Doctor Who companion. Frankly, her dad would be a better role model for the kids and a more suitable choice and her position as favourite for the role says more about the sources sprouting these rumours than it does about her suitability.
Kelly Brook - 4/1
Actually, Kelly Brook isn’t a half bad choice. Over the last few years she’s found her acting CV expand gradually but admirably. She has the experience and she’s clearly never going to be busy enough to take on the intensive Who schedule. So, on the surface, she’s not a choice I would object to, but we also have the difficult issue of what kind of companion will be right for Matt Smith’s Doctor. I still haven’t worked out the answer to that definitively (see more speculation on this later on), but I don’t think Kelly fits the bill on that score.
Rachel Stevens - 9/2
Rachel’s been on this list since 2003 and she’s always been a terrible choice. It’s true that the casting of Matt Smith, complete with acting chops almost as vast as his face, does allow a certain amount of leeway when it comes to the acting experience of his companion to allow a trade off for a big name, but Rachel Stevens has done practically fuck all of any worth (a great deal of that S-Club TV show and movie abomination may have given her a good amount of experience, but… well, it was the S-Club TV show and movie abomination.) She’d have to be bloody amazing at the audition stage, and frankly I’m just not seeing it.
Michelle Ryan - 5/1
Ah, now this is more like it. Arguably, Michelle Ryan is the only truly believable name on this early betting list not just for the fact that she’s a very good actress and been linked with the role previously but that she also has previous Moff experience through her role in the recent (and underrated) Jeykll. The real revelation came, though, in her role as Jaime Sommers in the equally underrated 2007 remake of Bionic Woman as she showed a great energy, wit and genuine acting chops, all while working with what must’ve been the tremendous distraction of feigning a passable American accent. Even outside of this pathetic list, she’s got to be one of my favourites for the role.
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Agyness Deyn - 7/1
Not a fucking hope in hell. Her name is on this list solely for the fact that she’s incredibly well known, young and pretty - all the ingredients needed to have your name bandied about by tabloids looking for something to bullshit about. NEXT.
Catherine Zeta Jones - 7/1
Another bullshit name, but for entirely different reasons. Catherine also appeared on the betting list for the Eleventh Doctor, and all because RTD is a cheeky sod with a penchant for whipping the tabloids and fans into an overexcited frenzie with his horribly credible off-hand comments. Objectively speaking, she really wouldn’t be a bad choice as I would argue that an older companion played by a hugely well known and accomplished name would be very suitable for Matt Smith’s Doctor, but really, honestly, can you ever see Catherine Zeta Jones giving 9 months of her working year over to an intensive filming schedule in Cardiff?
In fact, the inclusion of Catherine Zeta Jones and Agyness Deyn at such relatively low odds shows more than anything that this early betting list is a massive pile of jobbies, cobbled together from ancient rumours and lazy guesses by the tabloids. Still, it gives us something to talk about, eh?
Kimberley Nixon - 14/1
My first reaction was “who?”, but on closer inspection she looks like a likely candidate. She fits the superficial profile of what the media and people in general would expect in a companion and she’s appeared in some fairly high profile projects such as Cranford and that film about BOYS and SNOGGING, but she still strikes me as unsuitable as she is (and, more importantly LOOKS) far too close in age to Matt Smith. I’m becoming more and more convinced that we need age and experience for the next companion as the contrast would be very pleasing. If Moffat and co. wanted someone like Kimberley they should just abandon all pretension of imagination and just get Carey Mulligan back back as Sally Sparrow so the fanboys can wank themselves into a frenzie.
Russell Brand - 50/1
Oh, just fuck the fucking fuck off. My liege.
Others on request
And here we have the most likely outcome. The new companion is almost certainly going to come from outside this list, making this speculation pretty redundant, but never mind. The big question we have to be asking ourselves, though, is what kind of companion will Matt Smith need? What should the character be? From a promotional point of view a very well known name would be a good idea to counteract Smith’s relative obscurity. Despite my flag currently being firmly planted in the Michelle Ryan corner (oooh, pardon! etc.) I don’t really believe a companion only a few years older than Smith will work. Too much of a grey area kissy-kissy wise, and not nearly enough contrast in looks.
Let’s see what RTD has to say on the matter:
“We’ve got a young female companion at Easter, and then a much older woman next Christmas - someone in her fifties or sixties. I love that.”
Firstly, the idea of a companion in her fifties or sixties is *excellent*. There’s no denying the character of Donna was an admirable departure for the new series (despite what you may think about Catherine Tate as a casting choice (I certainly was never properly won over)) and this will be an excellent way to show a very different Doctor/companion dynamic. However, at the moment it’s unclear if “next Christmas” refers to the 4.16 special or 4.17/4.18 (Tennant and RTD’s final two-part story.) If it’s the latter then the idea of this older companion crossing over to full time for series 5 suddenly becomes a fascinating prospect, as a companion of that age would be a *perfect* counter-point to Smith’s incredibly youthful looking incarnation. A brisk, elderly yet warm woman either complementing an older acting Eleven (but with the twist of his younger looks) or providing some contrast if he ends up acting more boyish and Tennant like, giving us an interesting reversal of the original Doctor/Susan pairing.
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Let’s not forget that it’s very rare for a Doctor to regenerate and not bring across an old companion to bridge the gap - it’s *very* likely we’ll see the new companion in Tennant’s last story, whomever it ends up being. Russell mentions in the article that he’s working with the Moffat administration on the matter of the new companion, and even though he says this is to avoid casting someone for a one off when they might have a shot at the full series, it’s certainly not unlike RTD to just out and out lie or mislead. It’s not beyond the realms of possibility that a joint decision is made on who to cast for Tennant’s final story, with a view to bringing that character forward into 2010. In fact, this has now officially become What I Want to Happen, older companion or no.
As for who that actress might be… well, I think I’ve waffled on enough on the whole matter for now, but someone like Maggie Stables as Dr. Evelyn Smythe (from off of excellent Doctor Who webcast Real Time and I believe a number of other Baker C. Big Finish adventures) would be lovely. Failing that they should just cast David Cross as Mrs. Featherbottom from Arrested Development.
About this entry
- By Jonathan Capps
- Posted on Thursday, January 08 2009 @ 8:47 pm
- Categorised in TV
- Tagged with doctor who
Wouldn’t happen, but I’d like to give a companion role to Felicity Jones - arguably playing the role she had in The Unicorn and the Wasp. (Only without the dreadful mockney accept, obviously.)
By Andrew
January 08, 2009 @ 9:10 pm
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> If Moffat and co. wanted someone like Kimberley they should just abandon all
> pretension of imagination and just get Carey Mulligan back back as Sally Sparrow
> so the fanboys can wank themselves into a frenzie.
Actually, the more I think about it, the more I think I’d like this.
By Marleen
January 08, 2009 @ 10:26 pm
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> Actually, the more I think about it, the more I think I’d like this.
Sally Sparrow or the mass wanking?
By Jonathan Capps
January 08, 2009 @ 10:31 pm
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By Marleen
January 08, 2009 @ 11:12 pm
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I would like to see a pair of companions - preferably male/female, possibly even a couple. In that light, why not bring in Carey Mulligan AND Finlay Robertson back as both their characters from Blink.
By Somebody
January 08, 2009 @ 11:35 pm
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I like how you have a pop at Sally Sparrow fanboys with a wank gag and then pin your colours firmly to Michelle Ryan’s mast. My take as you’ll know, but I haven’t said here yet is that age has sod all to do with it for me. I want an interesting relationship between Doctor and companion, but whether it’s from a companion who is 9 or 90 I don’t mind too much.
Sure I happen to think Carey Mulligan is utterly gorgeous but it’s the sheer charm and attitude of the Sally Sparrow character which won me, and I think more or less everyone if you look at the ‘most wanted companion’ poills, over.
I actually like Somebody’s idea above of the two of them. Although if you throw Matt Smith as the Doctor into the mix I’m not so sure it would feel right. Call it the ‘Game On’ on in space scenario. It would feel like it needed someone of a different age to add a bit of contrast. Yet there’s me with double standards because I was opposing those very sentiments when you dismissed a ‘Smith and Smith’ pairing.
By Karl
January 09, 2009 @ 12:03 am
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Actually…having just reflected on your post and muttering to myself ‘wrong’, ‘wrong’, ‘wrong’ (including the idea of a very experienced elder actor/actress). Something has just clicked into place.
Two words.
Judi. Dench.
I don’t see a much older companion as being a positive thing longer-term. However in the short term and covering a period that see’s Tennant out and Smith bedding in. It could be absolutely brilliant. Something about that just feels perfect. The ideal person to see Tennant out in style and for Matt Smith then to come in with Moffat as his scriptwriter and someone of Dench’s status as his temporary companion. Well heck he couldn’t have it any better could he?
Then how about Dench out and a new companion in half-way through Series 5 or even a few episodes in to Series 6? Would a new companion coming in half-way through a run give a series a boost or destabilise it?
I’d also like to see another male in the Tardis. Perhaps the world is still scarred by Adric, but most of my favourite new Who episodes have been when either Jack or Mickey have been actively involved. It just seems to add something to the dynamic. It’s something early old Who seemed to do very well too. Although I guess back then you needed the ‘Young buck’ male to complement the older Doctor which isn’t the case now.
By Karl
January 09, 2009 @ 12:18 am
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Sorry for the hat-trick of posts. We need an edit key.
Just to add. I’m suprised not one hack has thrown Gina Bellman’s name into the ring.
By Karl
January 09, 2009 @ 12:38 am
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Damn it I need that edit key.
I found this ‘r’ I think it belongs up there somewhere.
By Karl
January 09, 2009 @ 12:40 am
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This was my idea kthxbye. There’s an argument, though, that their story has been told. They’re “the companions who weren’t”. But I agree that it would be really nice to see a male/female dynamic, two characters of around the same age, not necessarily a couple, but maybe with the potential - to divert attention away from any Doctor/companion romance. The problem is that that wouldn’t work with Smith - it needs an older Doctor.
Yes, I’m basically thinking of Roz and Chris, I know. But I also think that the Fourth Doctor/Sarah/Harry was one of the best setups, and it’s a shame it didn’t last longer.
Meanwhile, while the papers are just throwing out any “young trendy female” names they can think of, I’m surprised they haven’t mentioned Jaime Winstone. I mean, I’m not saying she’s amazing or would be perfect, but compared to your Allens or your Deyns, at least she’s actually an actress…
By Seb Patrick
January 09, 2009 @ 10:27 am
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To be fair I think a lot of us that had that idea at the same time. All put in our heads by the mighty Moff. Good point on Winstone too. The proposed ‘Phoo Action’ series has apparently just been cancelled by Auntie Beeb.
By Karl
January 09, 2009 @ 12:21 pm
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“Just been”? I thought it was cancelled ages ago? As far as I knew, Being Human was the only one of the pilots going to a series (with a mostly new cast, though, boooooo!)…
By Seb Patrick
January 09, 2009 @ 3:07 pm
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I’m only going on SFX. I’m sure it was announced that Phoo Action was going to get a series, but then presumably someone changed their mind.
By Karl
January 09, 2009 @ 3:29 pm
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By Karl
January 09, 2009 @ 3:29 pm
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> Actually…having just reflected on your post and muttering to myself ‘wrong’, ‘wrong’, ‘wrong’ (including the idea of a very experienced elder actor/actress)
Why, Karl, you’re such a charmer.
> Judi. Dench.
I’m actually finding it really difficult to come up with names for the older role. Someone *like* Judy Dench would be great, but obviously casting Judy would be utterly impossible. But… who out there would be suitable?
By Jonathan Capps
January 09, 2009 @ 8:49 pm
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So Alex Kingston was definitely a one/two-off…
How about Connie from Spooks as the older lady…
By Simon
January 10, 2009 @ 12:16 am
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Michelle Ryan is too obvious a choice. I really loved her in Merlin though, especially the finale where I just wanted to melt into her dreamy darkness (I wanted to have sex with her). She’s probably a bit too good for the companion role now. Perhaps The Rani?? Or Romana?
I reckon Sally Sparrow should remain within her one story (Blink). I’d be much more in favour of SM creating a brand new character for the brand new Doctor. Zoe Tapper off of Survivors (and yes, Demons) would be pretty good IMO, though she’s probably too busy to take the role.
By performingmonkey
January 10, 2009 @ 4:45 am
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> Why, Karl, you’re such a charmer.
You love it bitch.
As for Dench well yes. Surely she is to big a name, but it is our Doctor’s finale. I wouldn’t be totally suprised if they pulled a star name out of the bag that suprises us all.
By Karl
January 10, 2009 @ 11:36 am
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> Connie from Spooks as the older lady…
Oh god. It’s going to be Connie from that ‘Sound of Music’ show isn’t it. I mean she’s just at the start of her acting career having been in the crappy ITV thing over Xmas, but she’s got the bigger profile from something else.
By Karl
January 10, 2009 @ 11:44 am
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“Zoe Tapper off of Survivors (and yes, Demons)”
And Affinity. Overexposure much?
Now Pushing Daisies has been cancelled, I vote for Anna Friel
By Simon
January 10, 2009 @ 4:36 pm
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> Now Pushing Daisies has been cancelled, I vote for Anna Friel
Fucking yes!
By Jonathan Capps
January 10, 2009 @ 5:20 pm
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Interesting. Yeah, she’s cute.
By Marleen
January 10, 2009 @ 5:56 pm
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She’s also an excellent actress, as well as being one of my future wives. She doesn’t fit my 50s/60s age preference, but I reckon she’s old enough for a compromise.
By Jonathan Capps
January 10, 2009 @ 6:31 pm
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By Andrew
January 10, 2009 @ 6:49 pm
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> Meh.
You’d speak with such apathy about my wife, Andrew? Sometimes, sir… I don’t believe I know you…
By Jonathan Capps
January 10, 2009 @ 7:49 pm
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>The problem is that that wouldn’t work with Smith - it needs an older Doctor.
As long as Matt Smith acts properly, I don’t see this an issue at all. The character only looks young remember.
That being said an older woman would provide an interesting dynamic, simply because her character only looks older. And I’m all for including people who aren’t the stereo type pretty faces.
Maybe even include an alien this time round. Only as one of the characters mind, (I think it’s important to have a human to be our eyes so to speak) but it’s an idea.
An older woman… Julia Deakin? I’m not overly acquainted in with her work but she was excellent in Spaced (I’m not suggesting she play the same kind of character mind.) She was so good I didn’t even recognize her when she played a kind of surreal ‘what-if parallel universe’ Marsha in one gag.
True she’s more known for sitcom acting but she’s got the acting chops.
By ChrisM
January 11, 2009 @ 12:46 pm
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See, with this talk of an older companion, I’ve completely forgotten my old want for Florence Hoath (Nancy from off of The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances) as a companion. She would fit the bill perfectly for an older doctor (and I know we don’t know how Smith will play it, but whatever the case he still looks younger, and aesthetic contrast is important, too) so maybe not so much with Smith, but I’d still love to see her as a companion at some point in the future.
By Jonathan Capps
January 11, 2009 @ 9:07 pm
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Good age, VERY good looking, but she’s honestly one of the shittest actresses in the entire world.
By Jonathan Capps
January 11, 2009 @ 10:09 pm
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“could very well have a Kiwi accent”
Er, since when did Bellman have one of those? Or has she been putting on an English accent in EVERYTHING SHE’S DONE, EVER?
By Seb Patrick
January 12, 2009 @ 2:09 pm
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I didn’t know she was a Kiwi either! She speaks with a better English accent than me.
Although that might be a clue as people faking an accent tend to exaggerate it. And English often ends up BBC English as opposed to ‘Sath London’ like mine.
By ChrisM
January 12, 2009 @ 2:32 pm
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And yes, very good looking.
As for acting ability… I didn’t think she was particularly bad. Not that much range in the few roles I’ve seen her in, but she did ok in what she has done. She overracts in Coupling, but I thought that was the whole point in that characters case being so cooky.
By ChrisM
January 12, 2009 @ 2:34 pm
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Characters above should read character’s Not a big deal, but those little typos irritate me.
By ChrisM
January 12, 2009 @ 2:37 pm
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As does lack of full stop at the end of a sentence. This could be a record.
By ChrisM
January 12, 2009 @ 2:38 pm
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Sorry for multiple post, but I did a quick wiki research on her and it came up with this:
“Bellman was born in New Zealand to Jewish parents of Russian and Polish origin,[1] who emigrated to New Zealand from England in the 1950s. Her family moved back to England when she was eleven years old.”
She might not be putting on the accent then.
By ChrisM
January 12, 2009 @ 2:41 pm
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Also: she’s great in Coupling and anyone who thinks otherwise deserves a session with Jake the Truth Snake.
By Andrew
January 12, 2009 @ 3:38 pm
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She’s… inconsistent in Coupling, I’d say. She definitely has her moments, but she’s no Sarah Alexander.
By Seb Patrick
January 12, 2009 @ 3:56 pm
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She suits Coupling very well, yes, but she was awful in Jeykll and I think that’s a closer estimation as to how she’d be in Who.
Sudden thought: Tamsin Greig.
By Jonathan Capps
January 12, 2009 @ 4:23 pm
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> but she’s no Sarah Alexander.
Who is?
By Jonathan Capps
January 12, 2009 @ 4:24 pm
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> but she’s no Sarah Alexander.
Who I find slightly inconsistent, actually.
I don’t see Bellman as suitable for Who at all, mind you.
By Andrew
January 12, 2009 @ 4:48 pm
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> >but she’s no Sarah Alexander.
>Who is?
That woman. Sarah something.
Anyway. Everyone in Coupling pisses me off (particularly Jack Davenport and Bellman). Never been a fan of the show, actually. It’s as smug as Friends without the redeeming quality of being particularly amusing.
By Pete
January 12, 2009 @ 5:21 pm
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> It’s as smug as Friends without the redeeming quality of being particularly amusing.
When Coupling is really on form, though, it derives humour from much different places than Friends. Some of the narrative construction and trickery is breathtaking and you just don’t get that with Friends. The comparison is only superficial and, if you forgive me for saying, pretty lazy.
By Jonathan Capps
January 12, 2009 @ 6:40 pm
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> but she’s honestly one of the shittest actresses in the entire world
Correct. She almost ruined Jekyll with her ‘acting’. The other mistake Moffat made with Jekyll was not using Michelle Ryan enough. If she does end up in Who, in whatever role, he better make use of her (I certainly would…).
Throwing another name in there - the lovely red-haired Olivia Hallinan, who you may remember from Sugar Rush and the episode of Torchwood she was in (Out Of Time). I seem to remember her character just going off into the modern world, even though she was from the ’40s. It could be interesting to see her back in Who, or maybe they’d just fuck it and say she was a new character. Whatever, she’d be very good.
I’d love to see Sarah Smart in Who as well.
By performingmonkey
January 12, 2009 @ 6:53 pm
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> Olivia Hallinan
Good call, but only because I fancy her. YOUNGNESS continues to be an issue.
By Jonathan Capps
January 12, 2009 @ 7:00 pm
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I know rumours in a Sunday paper aren’t exactly the most reliable source, but there are just too many past true rumours in the tabloid about Who to ignore this.
I would be very happy if this was the case, anyway.
By Jonathan Capps
January 19, 2009 @ 1:33 am
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