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April 2007

New BBC End Credits Guidelines / 30.04.07

Oh, fuck.

More Words About Music and Songs / 29.04.07

I figured I'd wait until there were a few entries before I brought this to your attention, but last weekend I started a new kind-of-daily blog which will discuss every Talking Heads song, one entry at a time.

It's called More Words About Music and Songs. If you click that link, it'll even take you there.

Spinal Tap to reunite for Live Earth / 25.04.07

Yes, as of July 7, the planet is officially saved. Not only will they perform at London's Live Earth concert, however...Rob Reiner is also assembling a sort film about the band in a where-have-they-been vein.

And, just like that, I'm suddenly interested in Live Earth.

XXX: A Woman's Right to Pornography / 25.04.07

I've mentioned this book before on here, but I think it deserves a wider audience. Wendy McElroy's XXX: A Woman's Right to Pornography is some of the best non-fiction I've ever read - and the entire book is available to read online.

Whatever your views on pornography, it's well worth a look - the layout is slightly hard on the eyes, but stick with it, because it's absolutely fascinating...

Chuck Palahniuk - "Rant" / 20.04.07

A new Chuck Palahniuk novel is always cause for excitement in the Lacey household - while he can be repetitive and glib, his novels are never anything less than incredibly compelling. When they're good, they're astute and poignant critiques of modern life, and usually hilarious to boot. His forthcoming novel "Rant", which I had heard literally nothing about until today, has garnered a very positive review on Aint It Cool News.

BBC out to iMPress again... / 20.04.07

Yes, trials are about to open up once more for iMP, and those who tested it back in late 2005 are being sent emails inviting them to apply for the new run.

Another Chance to See / 18.04.07

This is quite possibly the best TV news of the year so far.

The official site linked to in the above link has since been taken down for one reason or another, but the offical blub says it all:

Kurt Vonnegut dies. / 12.04.07

Last night, 84 years old. The world has lost one of its last truly great novelists.

This is a very, very sad day.

Life on Mars - The Answers / 11.04.07

Expect the NTS verdict on the finale of Life on Mars (and indeed on the second series in general) at some point over the next week, but in the meantime, enjoy this excellent interview with Matthew Graham, in which he elaborates on the ending, and attempts to claim that it's not really open to interpretation before admitting that yes, alright, it kind of is. Well worth a look, both for the light it sheds on the series itself, and the Ashes to Ashes tidbits.

"Do you do...Gonzo?" "No." / 08.04.07

So evidently a 10-minute pilot was filmed sometime in December that is making the rounds at Disney and may well lead to a brand new Muppet mini-series. You can read about it here, but perhaps the most interesting thing about the possible Muppet revival is the format:

The short pilot uses the television syntax of a documentary (think "The Office" meets "The Muppet Show").