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March 2009

Join the MEN in Mining / 31.03.09

Thanks to Beelzebub on NOTBBC for bringing attention to this fabulous collection of adverts from 1970, which starts with a recruitment campaign for miners, an industry which was to be destroyed a mere 10 or so years later, and claims that off-peak InterCity travel saves "four bob in the pound". I don't know what that means, but it sounds good. Also, is it me, or does the mining job description 'An Underground Man' sound rather like the Butterfield sketches in the Peter Serafinowicz show?

So, what constitutes child pornography? / 27.03.09

This may seem like a silly question, but a fascinating case has occured in the US, where a 14 year old girl has been arrested for possession and distribution of child pornography. The child in question is herself.

Watchmen vs. WALL-E / 23.03.09

Oh, lovely.

Starts off feeling kind of obvious, but as it goes on there are some absolutely brilliant footage choices...

Batman and Robin! No, not the Schumacher one! Come back! / 21.03.09

Grant Morrison talks about his and Frank Quitely’s new upcoming series Batman and Robin. Oh holy god yes.

It was all-but-confirmed that Morrison would be returning to the character after Battle from the Cowl, but this is the first official word. Lots of lovely info in the interview, too - he stops short of saying that Robin is Damian (although we know it clearly is), and there’s little in the way of hints about who Batman will be (although it’s almost certainly Dick Grayson). It’s nice to see an admission that there’s never been any pretence that Bruce Wayne will be gone for good :

Newspapers and Thinking the Unthinkable / 20.03.09

Excellent piece on the future of the newspaper industry, and journalism as a whole. Well worth a read.

(Via Daring Fireball.)

The Amazing Spider-Boy / 19.03.09

Apologies for the plug, but I couldn’t really let this one go by without dropping a quick post on here : I’ve got a comic out today! I plotted the eleven-page strip in the current issue of Panini’s UK newsstand title The Spectacular Spider-Man, and it’s in shops for the next three weeks. I’m rather pleased with the way it’s come out, and it’d be swell if some of you decided to go and buy it and tell me what you think. More info over on my workblog!

The Radiophonic Workshop Live / 18.03.09

Oh. My. God.

Just look at that line-up. I’m not sure a concert has ever excited me more than this ever. Anyone else here going?

Scalded / 13.03.09

Of the three remaining pillars of full-priced essential PC gaming, the Creative Assembly’s truly magnificent Total War series has so far escaped the problems of piracy and validation. While World of Warcraft avoids these problems by its very nature and the Half-Life series is policed by Vale’s Steam spyware, the only RTS series worth considering has so far politely ignored the issue. But, as last week’s long-awaited release of Empire: Total War made clear, a fate worse than death has now befallen the historical epics.

What’s the problem? Find out after the jump.

Save The Redfield / 12.03.09

Tomorrow sees Resident Evil’s Chris Redfield embark on his toughest assignment yet. The horrors of Racoon City are nothing compared to the shadow that the Tricell Corporation has cast across the cradle of humanity, and the spectre of his arch-enemy, the infamous Albert Wesker, is lurking in the background.

And it’s all going to end in tears.


Find out why your help is needed, after the jump.

Here's a Test... / 07.03.09

Watch this PIF.

Go and do something else for 5 minutes or so.

Come back and tell us in the comments whether you remember what F.A.S.T stands for.

Saturday Morning Watchmen! / 05.03.09

Er, wow, frankly.

Don’t be put off by the fact that it’s on Newgrounds - it’s bloody excellent. I’d still kind of like to see Watchmen Babies in : “V For Vacation!”, mind.

Drive Carefully, Darling / 02.03.09

Drive Carefully, Darling (Part 1 and Part 2) is a 15 minute PIF (so probably not intended for broadcast on TV) addressing the all-too-common attitude amongst drivers that driving regulations don't apply to them.

W-A-N-K-E-R-S / 01.03.09

I am addicted to Facebook Scrabble. In fact, it’s pretty much the only thing I do on Facebook, as I’m allergic to proper socialising, and prefer to sit there giggling at CUNT and QUIM.