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comedy awards

The British Comedy Awards 2006 / 13.12.06

Welcome to Noise To Signal's live commentary on the British Comedy Awards 2006, featuring Seb Patrick and Jonathan Capps. And yes, we know that the Comedy Awards are completely rubbish and pretty much lost all meaning as soon as they started, but it's Wednesday night, it's 9pm, we've got a few beers in, and to be perfectly frank - what else are we going to do?

The Comedy Awards nominations, then... / 14.11.06

Not on until December, but what the hey, let's have a crack at them...

Best TV comedy actor
David Mitchell and Robert Webb - Peep Show (Channel 4)
Ricky Gervais - Extras (BBC Two)
Stephen Merchant - Extras (BBC Two)

Sorry, I'm confused. Why have Mitchell and Webb been nominated as a double act, but Merchant and Gervais separately? Whose bright idea was that? Well, anyway, this should definitely be the Peep Show pair. But it won't.