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Alan Moore Knows The Score

The Culture Show, BBC TWO, Thursday night, 7.00pm and 11.20pm. Alan Moore is being interviewed. Alan Moore never does TV interviews, so this should be something of a rare treat.

Especially if you want to have your perceptions of what a man who looks like this and who wrote Watcmen, V For Vendetta and Miracleman ought to sound like completely shattered. Because, after all, he patently obviously should sound like a cross between Sir Ian McKellen and Brian Blessed. Instead, he sounds incredibly Brummie, indeed far more so than someone from Northampton should. Great stuff.

UPDATE - If you missed the Moore feature, it's now available to view on the Culture Show website, until the 16th March. Well worth a look - it's a rare chance to see Moore speak about his work (and films of his work) in a wry, amusing way.

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I heard the Chain Reaction interview with him on the radio a while ago, which was extremely interesting. This interview is also excellent. Looking forward to this next one!

Tom Strong and his Superman stories (especially For the Man Who Has Everything) are brilliant, but I have top admit that I haven't actually read that much of his other work.

By Nick R
March 07, 2006 @ 3:17 pm

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