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I know Chris Morris...

... and you, sir, are no Chris Morris.

Alright, so the pedigree behind the programme is quite good - it's the Thick Of It/People Like Us creative team - but it's still hard to shake the feeling that this has been done quite comprehensively before, and that it's impossible to do anything in the way of spoof news that The Day Today and Brasseye haven't done already. I mean, there's a reason why Morris stopped doing it himself, after all.

Plus, the clips that are on that website... just don't look very funny. I mean, "Missing Island"? Wasn't that very same gag done by Morris and co? I'm sure I recall an On The Hour gag about a landmass (might have been France) having disappeared...

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Don't you know, all television now is about ripping off great ideas from geniouses like Morris, redoing it as something much much worse and praying that no-one cares. And I hate the title 'Broken News'. Oh, how clever - replacing 'Breaking' with 'Broken'! When are the British Comedy Awards again?

You are right about the island gag being done before.

By performingmonkey
October 30, 2005 @ 2:52 am

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Also, the trailer features a reference to something like "a shaft of frozen urine". That's a Morris gag, surely?

By IanIanSymes
October 31, 2005 @ 2:48 pm

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Well its on now..... it's also quite rubbish IMO.

By Spid
October 31, 2005 @ 10:59 pm

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Bloody awful.

Me want jokes.

By John Hoare
October 31, 2005 @ 11:11 pm

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I thought it was quite good as a parody, which is what it was meant to be.

Look Out East was particularly realistic :)

By Kirk
October 31, 2005 @ 11:27 pm

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All well observed, but no jokes, sadly.

By Tanya Jones
November 01, 2005 @ 1:26 pm

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yes, the frozen urine falling from a plane and impailing a woman was an unforgettable day today moment

By imogen
February 05, 2006 @ 10:44 pm

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