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October 2006

Everybody Loves Raymond (Tunstall) / 31.10.06

Can it really be fourteen years since Ghostwatch? Almost a decade and a half since that fateful Halloween night in 1992, when a complacent British viewing public was shaken to its core by Stephen Volk's groundbreaking TV play.

I *heart* Popjustice / 30.10.06

Good old Popjustice have sent me some lovely links to stuff that has brightened up my day off sick considerably.

The Gothic Archies; 'Scream and Run Away'

Lily Allen; 'Littlest Things'

Genki Rockets; 'Heavenly Star' It's slightly meh until 40 seconds in, when it suddenly becomes splendid.

Very Short Stories / 26.10.06


I Bloody Love YouTube... / 25.10.06

... it's taken me years to find this video anywhere since I first saw it. And it's one that even the most ardent fan of Adam and Joe may never have seen, since it aired approximately ONCE on TV (on The Chart Show, from which this clip is taken). It's in lousy quality, and it's missing the second half of the song (which is much slower), but it's still a brilliant brilliant video for a brilliant brilliant song, and any fan of either A&J or bloody good indie should watch it straight away.

This is the NEWS / 25.10.06

A couple of interesting links for you relating to the BBC News site. Firstly, this lists and gives comparisons to all revisions made to BBC News articles. Have a look through - it's very interesting to see what was changed.

Life On Mars - Spin Off? / 24.10.06

The Mirror online has posted news today of a possible spin-off to Life On Mars, to be shown in 2008. As the article contains potential spoilers for the next series of Life On Mars, it follows under the link.

The article can be found here:

"If you're going to steal, steal from the best..." / 23.10.06

Whether or not you liked the first two episodes of Torchwood (me, I thought "Pretty good, entertaining, but not brilliant"), it's still extremely annoying to read people on Good ol' OG saying that (spoilers, highlight) introducing someone as a "lead" character in pre-publicity then killing them off in the first episode is "stolen" from Joss Whedon.


A new home for NTS / 23.10.06

You know, it's been a shit few months for NTS really. Bad Gateway errors. Stupid problems with the front page. And worst of all - nasty viruses.

Attention! / 22.10.06

When I ask to go to the BBC Three site, I expect to be taken to the BBC Three site. I do not expect to be redirected to the Torchwood site. If I wanted to go there, then I would have asked for it.

I mean, Jesus.

Mitchell & Webb Recommissioned / 20.10.06


Lost Lost / 19.10.06

Sky One to screen Lost Season 3 in the UK. That's sure to be good for the fans. OK, so the hardcore and the able will be downloading it from the US (my housemate is currently watching episode three), but a lot of analogue/Freeview users are going to be pretty pissed off.

Official Hot Fuzz Teasers / 16.10.06

You heard it right, folks. Edgar Wright's latest flick starring comedic duo Simon Pegg and Nick Frost has just put out a couple of teaser trailers. Catch them after the jump.

The Film of the Death of Doctor Island / 16.10.06

Yes, that's right. Someone has decided to make a movie of Gene Wolfe's outstanding Nebula Award-winning novella, "The Death of Doctor Island." I would highly recommend you read the novella itself (available here), as it's top-notch stuff.

I'll let them do the explaining:

Live from New York, it's 1975! / 14.10.06

This is good news, and--oddly--something I was just asking a coworker about this past week. Why not release the first season of Saturday Night Live on DVD?

Huzzah! It's Official! / 12.10.06

Garth Marenghi's Darkplace is - at long last - released on DVD this coming Monday, 16th October.

After two years or so of bouncing publication dates I know it's going to happen for sure this time because they actually trailered it just after the repeat of episode 3 at stupid o'clock on Tuesday morning on Channel 4. My advance order has already been placed with Amazon, and you should order it too, because it will make you laugh until snot comes out of your nose. Fact.

Torchwood site launches / 12.10.06

Go, go, GO!

Highlights include an interview with RTD, an absolutely brilliant tour of the 'Hub' set (it's farking huge!) and Eve Myles' lovely, lovely face.

More Zombies / 11.10.06

For those who were fascinated by 70/80's exploitation films, the good ones with explicit gore, gratuitous nudity, and the weirdest shit you've ever seen... Well, your prayers have been answered. Prepare for the ultimate trailer for the film "Grind House," a two-part feature directed by Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez. This trailer in particular is for Robert's half, which is titled "Zombie Planet."

OH JESUS CHRIST... / 11.10.06


I don't want yet another of your fucking best ofs. This is one of the most fondly-remembered and influencial comedy shows ever made, and you can't actually buy the full thing in Region 2. I want all four series, in full. We're not talking about some obscure show here that couldn't financially sustain it.


Limbo / 10.10.06

Teaser video and art for upcoming game.

It looks great. And is a reminder that far too many games these days look the same...

IGN's Top 25 Animated Series / 10.10.06

Well, IGN has named their top 25 prime-time animated series of all time, and you can find the complete list here, all fulla descriptions and fancy, descriptive rundowns, but I'm going to reproduce the list below. Can you guess the identity of number one? If you can't, you drank bleach.

Life On Mars To Finish After Second Series / 09.10.06

:-o, frankly. I knew they weren't going to go on indefinitely, but I thought they'd give it three series...

Those are the headlines...God, I wish they weren't... / 08.10.06

Okay, The Onion, I know Saturday Night Live has been burgling your jokes off and on for years now, but stealing from The Day Today is no way to even the score.

You be the judge. Coincidence? It's possible, but a piece of me thinks this is just a joke some humorist thought he could lift without getting busted.


Excuse me, I think I've just come.

(SPOILER behind cut)

Also, the cat's now out of the bag over something I've known about through work but couldn't talk about - CYBERGIRL...

Zombies on a Plane! / 06.10.06

No, really... That's not a joke.

May God have mercy on your soul.

I. WANT. THAT. POSTER. / 05.10.06


And now I'm back again / 05.10.06

So. Hello again. For the full story of why we went offline, see this G&T post - it's the same for both sites. Have a read if it if you haven't already, and then come back here. (Short version: we're now clean of viruses, and it wasn't our fault.) But whilst I used that post to complain about our hosting company did wrong - what about what we did wrong?